Thursday, August 20, 2009

It’s business, it’s business time

Previous to this week, and really today, I had this fear of real business work. I’m a hard worker and am not the dullest crayon in the box, but I’m just not shrewd in the scheming, conniving, devious ways that I thought is so necessary for big boy (or girl) business. But you know what? That’s OK. I don’t need to be. Rather, I just need to keep things rolling, keep things moving forward. What I’m good at is looking at a problem and figuring out a step-by-step game plan to attack it, to instate a new program, to achieve a goal. Part of that is persistent communication. Once you do complete one element of the project, check in with the other people/pieces and figure out as soon as you can what the next step is…and then do that. That doesn’t scare me. I don’t need to pony-up, buck up or do any other equine upness. I just need to live ethically and with character and persistently take on each task at hand. And, with that mindset, I can do a lot and not feel overwhelmed :)

This is a philosophy that I've always had with respect to school and my personal projects such as Literature ethically and with character, keep people at the forefront of your purpose, and just figure out what you need to do and do it. I'm not really sure why I haven't made the leap of applying these philosophies to "real work," but I think it will serve me well...or rather, help me serve well. It also means that I'll approach non-profit, profit, development work, and really all aspects of my life in the same way and that feels really good!

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