Friday, July 10, 2009

Vote for Pedro

I once watched a movie where all three sons and the father were named Moe; It was a very long time ago, so please don’t ask me the title. They distinguished the sons by calling them Big Moe, Mil’ Moe, and Lil’ Moe. On a similar note, we have neighboring family in which the father and three sons are all named Pedro…because a last name isn’t enough of a familial identification. They distinguish between the four via middle names Pedro Louis, etc. There’s a little sister too and, while this isn’t her name, everybody calls her Pedrocita. We joke that everybody here is named Pedro and I have been part of a conversation in which two Pedros were talking to each other about a third, yet absent, Pedro. For those of you who are familiar with the film Being John Malcovich: “Pedro, Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro; Pedro, Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro, Pedro.”

1 comment:

  1. George Foreman, Olympic Boxing and professional heavyweight champion has 10 kids... 5 boys named... you guessed it... and a daughter, Georgetta...
